• Two ways to get model from indexPath of TableView & CollectionView
    • Use indexPath and dataSource to get model
      • Observable.just(indexPath).withLatestFrom(#ObservableThatBindToYourTableView) { indexPath, datas in
        return datas[indexPath.secion][indexPath.row]
    • Use model(at: indexPath)
      • do {
        let element: Type = try tableView.model(at: indexPath)
        } catch {
        //work with error when cast failed
      • Warning: You must specify the type of your variable.
      • Edited: 2018-05-27
      • Your can first transform the data to Any and then downcast to the type of your Model or Protocol
        let e: Any = try tableView.model(at: indexPath)
        if let t = e as? Type {