• 吐槽:Jekyll官方的文档真的是啰嗦,刚开始写blog的人一上来,谁关心你的目录结构是啥,谁关心你那花哨的模板。安装就得好久,再那么啰嗦地show你能做的东西谁关心?上来就教人建个网站,写一段文字不是比什么都好?
  1. Create project in github with name same as your github account name
  2. Check out the repository
  3. Install ruby, budle, Jekyll
  4. Create a blog in your repository’s path
  5. Config -config.yml , change baseurl to the newly created blog path
  6. Create file in -posts directory, with name like 2018-05-19-name-of-your-blog.markdown
  7. Edit your new file
  8. Run Jekyll build on your blog root directory
  9. Run Jekyll serve on your blog ROOT directory
  10. Test your blog on localhost/4000
  11. Add . and push to master branch of your site
  12. Check your sites after a few seconds